Monday, January 5, 2009

a fantastic winter break

over winter break i mostly hung out with friends and was at work. on christmas my family was all suppose to come over my house but everybody was frustrated and trying to make it memorable so that didnt happen. one of my sisters was moving out of town that night to minnesota. my other sister two days later move to east chicago. My oldest sister already lived in calumet city. I didnt stay there to long because i didnt want to be around all of the irritating factors that kept occuring. I went over brie'anna's cousin house where we watched videos, played cards, etc. I worked the next day at work they gave me more hours cause i was on break. new years eve me and danielle went over nekeisha house where alot of other hirsch kids were. we did alot of stuff that night most of us ended up spending the night. i went to sleep at about 5 30 because i had to get up at 7 n be at work at 10. i went home slept for bout 30 mins then got up got dressed and went to work. at work i was still tired and other stuff from that night but after that all i did was work and catch up on my sleep.