Friday, October 17, 2008

Something most people don't know about me

One thing that no one knows about me is that im very secretive. I talk alot so everybody thinks they know me. I only tell my closes frieends about my personal life even then I keep certain stuff to myself. I don't tell all of my business because it's my business and no one elses. Plus there are somethings I like to keep to me.


Anonymous said...

To bad i know that already. lol. but for real thats good to keep your business to yourself cause all people do is repeat what they hear then all your business out.

Kanyla41508 said...

i think that it is good to be secretive because if you fall out with that person you tell your personal life to, they will tell everything.

Boosie Ball said...

I think it's good to keep some things to yourself.If you told them everything ,then yall fallout, they are going to throw it in your face.